Glycoinformatics: bibliographic reference collection

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This collection includes ~670 literature references that might be helpful to glycoinformaticians. Both in the Endnote database and in this document, references are categorized in sections (some references are included in more than one section). To search for authors, titles, terms in abstracts, use Ctrl-F in your browser. Click on DOI to open a publication.

Jump to section:

1. General glycoinformatics
2. Glycan databases
3. Other glyco-related databases
4. Glycans in PDB
5. Encoding and visualization
6. Glyco-MS
7. Glyco-NMR
8. NMR simulation and analysis
9. Interaction and docking
10. Modeling
11. Force fields and energy functions
12. Ontology and semantics
13. Taxonomy and phenetics
14. Software and web-services
15. Cheminformatics beyond glycomics
16. Glycomics beyond informatics

General glycoinformatics

Glycan databases

Other glyco-related databases

Glycans in PDB

Encoding and visualization



NMR simulation and analysis

Interaction and docking


Force fields and energy functions

Ontology and semantics

Taxonomy and phenetics

Software and web-services

Chemoinformatics beyond glycomics

Glycomics beyond informatics

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