Teaching activity

For the recent time I have developed the following educational courses:

  • NMR spectroscopy in organic chemistry
  • Efficient usage of Bruker NMR instruments
  • Advanced PC user
  • PC user: basic course
  • Web-programming basics
  • Digital photography and image processing

    1. NMR spectroscopy in organic chemistry

      (M.V. Lomonosov's Moscow Acad. of Fine Chem. Technol.; +individually)
    2. This course includes the following global subsections:

      Students acquire the expirience in practical use of pulse NMR methods in structural bio-organic chemistry and organic synthesis. They become able to formulate problems for NMR spectroscopic services and to interprete the obtained data in the aspect of molecular structure and conformation.

       Detailed course program

    3. Efficient usage of Bruker NMR instruments

      (Higher Chemical College, Rus. Acad. Scis., practice; +individually)
    4. This course is oriented to those who plan to become speciaslists in NMR spectroscopy and to use Bruker NMR instruments. It consists of 8-12 practical lessons aimed at high-perfomative usage of widespread 1D and 2D NMR experiments.

       Practicum program

    5. Advanced PC user

      (D.I. Mendeleev's Russ. Chem.-Techol. Univ., commercially; +individually)
    6. This course does not demand any initial knowledge and includes:

      Students become able to solve a variety of PC-related problems without assistance, to use modern software and to keep a computer and operating system in optimal condition.

       Detailed course program (in Russian)

    7. PC user: basic course

      (D.I. Mendeleev's Russ. Chem.-Techol. Univ.)
    8. is the simplified version of the previous course.

       Course program (in Russian)

    9. Web-programming basics

    10. The topics discussed are:

      The course provides the basics of web-coding, web-programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, DOM) and web-design. It implies that a student has a user-level knowledge of computers. The manual line-by-line website construction is accented, which allows to create most compact, fast and compatible web sites and supports conceptual understanding of web-programming.

       Course program (in Russian)

    11. Processing and pre-print preparation of raster images

      (individually, M.V. Lomonosov Acad. Fine Chem. Technol)
    12. This course generalizes material on digital photography and raster image processing (photographing, scanning, color processing and separation, image restoration etc.) and includes practice in image design, processing and pre-print using Adobe Photoshop.

       Course program (in Russian)

    Last update: 2012 Dec 15      Home