Driving course
This individual course may be tought using either a client's car or my own. It consists of 30-50 hours of driving practice and is usually considered as a finishing training after the official driving school. The lessons are oriented to real expirience in contrast to average official courses oriented to passing a driving exam. No certificate is supplied and no assistance is given in obtaining a driving license if a student has none. For the recent years I have succesfully tought 3 drivers from zero to normal level (each took 2 monthes), and two from novice level to advanced.
Part A
- initial experience, vehicle documentation
- court exercises: acceleration/braking, gear shifting, zigzag, parallel parking, start on a slope, backward garage parking
- town driving (requires driving license), trajectory exercises
- petrol filling, basic navigation, changing a wheel
Part B
- advanced town driving, trajectory optimization (requires driving license)
- vehicle construction basics, comparative analysis, instruction to buying a car
- basic technical maintenance (oil, filters, sparkplugs, brake pads etc.), preventive repair, anti-corrosion
- towage, unusual situations of technical character
- travellers' guide
- driving on a slippery road, controlled skidding
- driving with various wheel drive (front, rear, full)
- mirror-controlled reverse movement
- offroad practice, "swinging", using a winch and a hijack
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